Movers and Shakers in the Community (People of Influence)

By WEB Claus


There is a picture book series in the Amazon Book Store entitled “Keep Smiling” by Dr. Ken “Smiley” Rochon. These books contain photos of individuals who have influenced their communities. I am included in the “Keep Smiling – Colorado Springs Edition” Book. There are also “Keep Smiling Editions” for Denver, Austin, Dallas, Salt Lake City, Atlanta and more.

Two Types of Influencers:

  1. People Who Inspire Through Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurs are people who have the ability to start and operate their own businesses including Shops, Public Speaking for Hire, Coaching for Hire and even writing books and articles for a profitable income. They are usually able to generate a sizable income and earn a lot of money to where they can travel. The way entrepreneurs influence the community is that they inspire others to pursue their business goals and dreams such as owning a business, becoming a published author, becoming accomplished Public Speakers or Recorded Musical Artists and Performers. They often do workshops to show how someone can be successful in their ventures.
  2. Inspire Through Self Advocacy: Self Advocates are people who have various disabilities and limitations and part of the Special Needs Population. Someone who is Special Needs can inspire many by not letting their own disabilities defeat them in life, but always try to “Go Above and Beyond” their disabilities by accomplishing great things often accomplished by entrepreneurs–things which others (Including entrepreneurs) don’t expect people with Special Needs to accomplish. Accomplishing things which people with disabilities aren’t expected to accomplish often inspires other people who are Special needs, entrepreneurs and everyone else through resilience. However, Self Advocates don’t often reap a lot of the rewards that entrepreneurs reap, such as opportunities and financial rewards. Also, of all the minority groups in America, the Special Needs Population is Number One on the list when it comes to prejudice. This has been known to place unwanted limitations on people with disabilities, but people who have had opportunities to inspire others will from time to time get opportunities, and that is where they will make a difference.

Things Which Influencers Do to Inspire Others:

  1. Write Books: Entrepreneurs who usually already have money often can turn Book Writing into a profitable business and make even more money. They can travel a lot & can afford to go on “Book Tours” and gain more support plus people to buy their books. As a member of the Special Needs Population, I don’t make a lot of money, nor can I afford to travel and go on tours. However, I am a published book author, which I do as a hobby, not a business. I self published my books through Kindle Direct Publishing (Amazon) and they are on sale in the Online Amazon Book Store. Through Kindle Unlimited, people can use Amazon as a Library and read Kindle eBooks for Free. Also, Kindle has Free Book Promotions where consumers can buy eBooks for Free. So even though I don’t make a lot of money, people are always reading my books. I have enjoyed being an author as a hobby.
  2. Making Digital Records: Making digital records & CD’s and becoming Musical Artists works pretty much the same way for the Entrepreneur Population as writing books. They often can afford to make recording through major recording companies and go on tours. Being Special Needs, I became a Recorded Musical through CD Baby. When I recorded my Christmas Mini Album (“Bethlehem! Oh Bethlehem!”) with the help of my good friend, I did so with CD Baby Free Account. When my Patriotic Single Record was recorded through CD Baby a few months later, the record company did away the Free Account. I had to upgrade to the Standard Account which was $49 for the Christmas Mini Album and $29 for the Patriotic Single. That was a very affordable price even for Recorded Musical Artist who are Specil Needs. Now, both of my digital records had bar codes, and they were distributed to Computer & Smartphone Music Apps such as Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple Music, iHeart Radio, and Pandora. But I couldn’t afford to do this a lot, so again with the help of my friend, I made some music videos the were uploaded straight to YouTube. The record company helped to set me up with a YouTube Channel where these videos could be uploaded. With that, I was provided with a Live Stream Recording Studio where I could make Live Stream Musical Recordings which I have a few hundred now.
  3. Public Speaking: Being a guest speaker at major functions or telling stories at major functions is also a way to influence and inspire others. Entrepreneurs often get asked to speak of give keynote addresses at major events, or be guests on podcasts or radio shows. All that can cost the speaker a lot of money, especially traveling expenses. A lot of entrepreneur speakers belong to organizations like John Maxwell of TedEx in which the membership fess are beyond expensive. But being a lot of entrepreneurs can afford all this, they have a lot of opportunities for Public Speaking Engagements. I belong to Toastmasters International in which the membership fees are not very high at all, and fit the mainstream population including Special Needs. I do a lot of my public Speaking through Toastmasters which I have been doing over 33 years. I do storytelling on a professional level, and I have had a few opportunities outside Toastmasters such as a local Public TV/Radio Show called “The Story Project (No longer around),” and a local Podcast, “COS (Colorado Springs) Memoirs — True Stories Unfiltered (Which replaced ‘The Story Project‘).” People like me who are Special Needs/Self Advocates can have a lot of public speaking opportunities but not quite like the Entrepreneur Population.

All in all, Self Advocates have more limitations and less opportunities than Entrepreneurs have in all these things, but they should never let that discourage them from continuing to try, because they still make a difference.


January 22, 2024 Test Speech Outline for Club 555 Evaluation Contest:

I. Introduction: Keep Smiling Colorado Springs

   A. What it is About

   B. List the Various Editions from Different U.S. Cities.

   C. Various Networks within Movers and Shakers

II. BODY: Movers and Shakers Get-together in January 2023

A. Seeing my Picture

B. My Reaction to that & When I was Introduced As an Author

  1. WHY –Entrepreneurs & what they are and do
  2. What I am — Self Advocate and What they do.
  3. 2023 Big Lesson – What I am — Self Advocate and What they do. Why Self Advocates qualify.

C. 2024 Lesson– What is a Businessman or Business owner.

  1. Invites from Lisa Sonnet and Dinky Smith
  2. Why I as a Self Advocate qualify & How I carry out my Book Hobby

III. Conclusion

A. Entrepreneurs acquire more Success Perks than Self Advocates — which doesn’t matter.

B. The one Success (Most Important)

  1. Regardles Examples (3)
  2. Bill Murray Chant Meatballs

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