America is Still Divided

by William Edwin Baxter, Author

The 2022 Midterm Election is winding down. Even though there wasn’t a “Red Wave” like the Republican Party had hoped for, the GOP (Republicans) won control of the U.S. House of Representatives, and they were able to terminate Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the house. Now the GOP is preparing to launch investigations into suspected corruption and criminal activity of the Woke Democrat Leaders. This may lead to the Impeachment of Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States. U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado was just re-elected to serve another term, and she is one that has been pushing for the Impeachment of Joe Biden. While all this may solve a lot of problems going on within our country, the one thing they won’t do is reunite this country. The Arizona Governor Election has been causing great division with suspected corruption during the voting process and Republican Candidate, Kari Lake, refusing to concede. This country has been divided for quite awhile, and it’s not being divided Republicans vs. Democrats, or even Conservatives vs. Liberals. It has been divided by two groups: MAGA (Make America Great Again) headed up by Donald Trump, and WOKE headed up by Nancy Pelosi. Everyone follows one of the cult leaders and dislikes the other. Both Cults think the other one is evil and chucked full of brown noses and kool-aid Guzzlers. Both of these cult leaders are out of power now.

For our country to become united again, we need to stop looking to leaders like Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi who may be adding to more of the problem of division, and look to the Man who can reunite this country. Two thousand years ago there were two groups of people. There were Hebrews from the Nation of Israel, and there were Samaritans who were half Jewish and half Babylonian. Each group despised the other and wanted nothing to do with they other. Then a man named Jesus came a long who was God’s Son. Jesus the Christ brought Jews and Samaritans together, but only when they yielded their lives to Christ. After Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven, He worked through His Apostles and Disciples and brought the Nation of Israel and the Gentile Nations together. Christ lives today and He is still changing lives and bringing people with differences together all over the world.

Our Nation was born as “One Nation Under God.” Our money/currency reads: “In God we Trust.” So as God brought Jews and Samaritans and Jews and Gentiles together, let us look to him to bring MAGA and WOKE together, or any other groups which may be dividing this great country of ours.



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